Turkey Tourney Joining Instructions
Here are the instructions that you will need to ensure that you will enjoy the magnificent Turkey Tourney on the 27th December.
First matches start at 10:30 am latest.
We have spread all the start times for the different rounds throughout the day. There will be periods of time where you will not have a game. Please feel free to use this time as you wish, but do not complain if you have time on your hands. It is deliberate on our part to ensure all games are completed. We are also expecting to give some players Byes in the Chicks particularly, so again use this free time to celebrate your considerable luck.
Please take a couple of minutes to read this thoroughly but firstly here is a summary:
All matches must be played on Heroes.
Play starts at 10:30am, please be in the room 10 minutes before.
You MUST be in the correct Heroes room before each match start time. Being in the correct room will give you the correct settings for your match.
How to get into the Heroes room... turkey-tourney-2021-instructions.pdf
You can follow your progress on the tournament website, remember to refresh the browser for any updated scores.
Here is the link to the various brackets, with the start times for each round - https://worcesterturkeytourney.weebly.com/brackets.html
You will receive emails throughout the day with your next matches on.
The winning player should reply to the email (or email [email protected]) to report the score.
There will be some delays for those waiting for their Get Stuffed matches to start, please be patient as we wait for results.
Be nice to your opponents and the TD team. Especially Santa's Helpers. Most especially the fat one.
Come and have a chat on Zoom with the TD team and other players, click on the link further down the page.
Now for a more detailed explanation.
There will be a total of 5 tournament rooms set up on Heroes, we have attached a simple guide on how to join the correct room;
Hopefully it is obvious which room you should be in, but just in case, if you are a Turkey and have yet to lose a match then you should be in the TT TURKEY MAIN room. If you lose a match then you go into the TT TURKEY CONS room.
If you lose your first match in the main and your first match in the consolation whether you be a Turkey or a Chick, then you have won a most marvelous place at the very first Get STUFFED!™® event. This is a 32-player no-nonsense last chance funfest! If you have qualified for this then obviously you will need to go to the TT GET STUFFED!®™ Heroes room
We are going to run the tournament on the tournament website, https://worcesterturkeytourney.weebly.com/ and emails to and from [email protected]
Please check the brackets and when waiting for a result to be entered be sure to refresh the page, or open a new browser. For those of you that are tournament savvy, you will be able to work out your next opponents and arrange your fixtures. We would be more than happy for players to do this and start their matches at the agreed match time, or earlier if both players are happy to do so.
For those that are not so confident, you can simply wait for your match email to arrive, this will be emailed to both of you. It will have the contact details of your opponent should you not be able to find them on the Heroes platform. On completion of the match the winner should simply reply to the email with the match score.
If any player is not in the correct Heroes tournament room and ready to play after 15 minutes has elapsed following the agreed match start time, then the TD reserves the right to award the match to the opponent. Please also understand that the TD and his team will only allow such a delay ONCE and reserves the right to award a loss should one player repeat a late appearance.
If there are any server or platform issues, we will obviously do our best to adjust the match timings accordingly. But please understand that the organisers of the tournament cannot be held responsible for such issues.
With huge thanks to Terje for giving us the excellent Heroes platform we have a Premium Membership to give away to the player that, according to my Elves, is dressed the most appropriately for the Christmas period. Please send us in pics and we will share them on the club Facebook page.
Tournament Directors Desk Chat
If you would like to chat with me or one of the busy Elves then join the Zoom meeting - we will put up a Zoom link nearer the date. This will also be used for general chat. It would be great to hear from you and feel free to log in and say hello.
Finally, if you have any questions or issues at any time simply email [email protected] and we will pick it up immediately.
Here are the instructions that you will need to ensure that you will enjoy the magnificent Turkey Tourney on the 27th December.
First matches start at 10:30 am latest.
We have spread all the start times for the different rounds throughout the day. There will be periods of time where you will not have a game. Please feel free to use this time as you wish, but do not complain if you have time on your hands. It is deliberate on our part to ensure all games are completed. We are also expecting to give some players Byes in the Chicks particularly, so again use this free time to celebrate your considerable luck.
Please take a couple of minutes to read this thoroughly but firstly here is a summary:
All matches must be played on Heroes.
Play starts at 10:30am, please be in the room 10 minutes before.
You MUST be in the correct Heroes room before each match start time. Being in the correct room will give you the correct settings for your match.
How to get into the Heroes room... turkey-tourney-2021-instructions.pdf
You can follow your progress on the tournament website, remember to refresh the browser for any updated scores.
Here is the link to the various brackets, with the start times for each round - https://worcesterturkeytourney.weebly.com/brackets.html
You will receive emails throughout the day with your next matches on.
The winning player should reply to the email (or email [email protected]) to report the score.
There will be some delays for those waiting for their Get Stuffed matches to start, please be patient as we wait for results.
Be nice to your opponents and the TD team. Especially Santa's Helpers. Most especially the fat one.
Come and have a chat on Zoom with the TD team and other players, click on the link further down the page.
Now for a more detailed explanation.
There will be a total of 5 tournament rooms set up on Heroes, we have attached a simple guide on how to join the correct room;
Hopefully it is obvious which room you should be in, but just in case, if you are a Turkey and have yet to lose a match then you should be in the TT TURKEY MAIN room. If you lose a match then you go into the TT TURKEY CONS room.
If you lose your first match in the main and your first match in the consolation whether you be a Turkey or a Chick, then you have won a most marvelous place at the very first Get STUFFED!™® event. This is a 32-player no-nonsense last chance funfest! If you have qualified for this then obviously you will need to go to the TT GET STUFFED!®™ Heroes room
We are going to run the tournament on the tournament website, https://worcesterturkeytourney.weebly.com/ and emails to and from [email protected]
Please check the brackets and when waiting for a result to be entered be sure to refresh the page, or open a new browser. For those of you that are tournament savvy, you will be able to work out your next opponents and arrange your fixtures. We would be more than happy for players to do this and start their matches at the agreed match time, or earlier if both players are happy to do so.
For those that are not so confident, you can simply wait for your match email to arrive, this will be emailed to both of you. It will have the contact details of your opponent should you not be able to find them on the Heroes platform. On completion of the match the winner should simply reply to the email with the match score.
If any player is not in the correct Heroes tournament room and ready to play after 15 minutes has elapsed following the agreed match start time, then the TD reserves the right to award the match to the opponent. Please also understand that the TD and his team will only allow such a delay ONCE and reserves the right to award a loss should one player repeat a late appearance.
If there are any server or platform issues, we will obviously do our best to adjust the match timings accordingly. But please understand that the organisers of the tournament cannot be held responsible for such issues.
With huge thanks to Terje for giving us the excellent Heroes platform we have a Premium Membership to give away to the player that, according to my Elves, is dressed the most appropriately for the Christmas period. Please send us in pics and we will share them on the club Facebook page.
Tournament Directors Desk Chat
If you would like to chat with me or one of the busy Elves then join the Zoom meeting - we will put up a Zoom link nearer the date. This will also be used for general chat. It would be great to hear from you and feel free to log in and say hello.
Finally, if you have any questions or issues at any time simply email [email protected] and we will pick it up immediately.